台灣才能教育協會(Taiwan Talent Education Association,簡稱,TTEA) 2009年經內政部許可成立之非營利性組織,並於2014年向台灣地方法院登記成為社團法人。TTEA亦為國際鈴木協會(International Suzuki Association, ISA)與亞洲區域鈴木組織 (Asia Region Suzuki Organization, ARSO) 正式成員,經常性的於國內舉辦各式鈴木音樂會、音樂檢定、暑期學校與教師培訓課程,也積極的參與各項國際鈴木音樂活動,舉凡世界鈴木大會、亞洲鈴木大會與歐洲鈴木大會皆有TTEA參與交流的足跡。除了推動台灣地區鈴木教學法之發展外,本協會理事長陳藍谷博士並由國際鈴木協會指定為中國事務代表,協助推動大陸地區鈴木教學法之各項活動。
2014年7月在國際鈴木協會(ISA)的支持下,TTEA於台北舉辦第5屆亞洲鈴木大會(The 5th Asia Suzuki Conference)。共有來自世界10國約600位師生參與,一同分享交流鈴木鎮一先生的教學精神,帶給參加學員來自鈴木教學法的感動與回憶,激勵了來自世界各地參加本次大會的鈴木孩子,「同心協力~追求高尚心靈與美麗樂音」。
Taiwan Talent Education Association
Taiwan Talent Education Association (TTEA) is a non-profit organization established in 2009 under the sanction of the Ministry of the Interior. In 2014, it was registered as a juridical association at the district court. TTEA is also an official member of the International Suzuki Association (ISA) and Asia Region Suzuki Organization (ARSO), regularly organizing Suzuki concerts, musical events, graduation concerts and ceremonies, summer schools and teachers’ training courses. Furthermore, TTEA actively participates in various international Suzuki musical events such as the Suzuki Method World Convention, Asia Suzuki Conference and European Suzuki Convention etc. In addition to promoting the Suzuki Method in Taiwan, the President of TTEA, Dr. Lan Ku Chen has also been appointed as the Representative of China Affairs by the ISA to promote the Suzuki Method in China.
In July 2014, under the support of ISA, TTEA held the 5th Asia Suzuki Conference in Taipei, where approximately 600 participants from across 10 nations came to attend the event and share the spirit of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki’s teachings. The event not only motivated Suzuki students, families, and teachers of different nationalities, but also inspired many to pursue the spirit of the event - “Let’s Work Together for Noble Hearts and Beautiful Music”. The numerous multi-national events and projects of TTEA serve to provide service and guidance to music teachers, parents and music education workers wishing to join the Suzuki family in Taiwan.
Let us spread the Suzuki Method's loving ideals to every family, and through joyful learning, move Taiwan toward harmony and prosperity.