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“慢打基礎,進步快。” -鈴木鎮ㄧ
“Slow beginning, fast progress.” -Dr. Suzuki
“不可急,但也不可停。” -鈴木鎮ㄧ
“Don’t hurry, but don’t stop.” -Dr. Suzuki
“勿成為那種堅持孩子的學習必須立即見效的家長。放鬆,並堅定使孩子變好的念頭。慢不是大問題,需要平常心但持續關注,孩子才可以享受學習的樂趣。試著引發動機,所以他會自發主性的進步。如果實施起來覺得困難,試試看先逐步調整自己的態度。” -鈴木鎮ㄧ
“Don’t be the kind of parents who insist on the immediate progress of their child. Relax, with determination to make your child great. It’s all right to be slow. Handle it so your child enjoys it. Try to motivate him so that he will try to improve on his own initiative. If you have difficulties with practice, try to create a change of attitude gradually.” -Dr. Suzuki
“進展的速度是依據孩子本身決定的,並非由年齡或其他標準決定。孩子準備好時就會走路不能強迫他在更早的時間點走路,沒有ㄧ個同年齡的孩子的進展速度是ㄧ樣的。進展速度是由孩子所決定的。 ” -鈴木鎮ㄧ
“The rate of progress is dictated by the child and not by age or by other standards. A child will walk only when he is ready and cannot be forced to walk earlier. No child is compared to others of the same age. The rate of progress is dictated by the child.” -Dr. Suzuki