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“不可急,但也不可停。” -鈴木鎮ㄧ
“Don’t hurry, but don’t stop.” -Dr. Suzuki
“慢打基礎,進步快。” -鈴木鎮ㄧ
“Slow beginning, fast progress.” -Dr. Suzuki
“請勿忘記在讚賞孩子之後仍給予修正。首先讚美他,然後花時間在幫助他不足的地方。讚美過後的修正,將比批評過後的修正來的容易愉快接受。” -鈴木鎮ㄧ
“Pease don’t forget to make sure to correct after praising the child. First praise him, then please take the time to help him with weak places. If the child is corrected after being praised, the correction is pleasanter beyond comparison than if given after criticism.” -Dr. Suzuki
“給予誠實的讚美與愛的鼓勵; 讚揚任何的努力,並給予協助。 如果我們施與壓力與批評,我們教孩子抗拒與退卻, 但如果我們給予支援與支持,我們給孩子成長的機會。” -鈴木鎮ㄧ
“Sincere praise and encouragement reinfored by love. Praise the effort and offer help. If we pressure or criticize, we teach the child to resist or withdraw, but if we offer support, we give and opportunity to grow.” -Dr. Suzuki
“其中ㄧ個促使孩子練琴的有效動機是孩子想要使老師高興。 身為家長應該如何善用這個動機?--顯現對老師的尊敬,並累積孩子對老師的尊敬。 你的孩子對老師越尊敬與崇愛,小孩越會為了老師而努力。積累在孩子心裡未完成的虧欠將感促使他練琴 ” -鈴木鎮ㄧ
“One of the most powerful factors in motivationg a child to practice, is the child’s desire to please the teacher. You as parent should take advantage of this by showing respect for the teacher and cultivating respect for the teacher of your child. The more your child respects and admires his teacher, the more he will want to work for her (he). Accumulate a debt in the child’s heart which urges him to practice.” -Dr. Suzuki