【★小星星變奏曲 TWINKLES】
“每一堂課都需要習奏小星星變奏曲,特別是孩子在第ㄧ冊時。 甚至高程度的學生,老師應該總是檢視復習小星星變奏曲。” -鈴木鎮ㄧ
“Every lesson, a Twinkle should be played, especially if the child is still in book I. Even with advanced students, teachers should always review Twinkles.” -Dr. Suzuki
“如果你有良好的小星星變奏及第ㄧ冊基礎,你將可安心應對往後的(學習)。” -鈴木鎮ㄧ
“If you have good foundation in teaching Twinkles and Book I, you can smoke the rest of your lives.”.” -Dr. Suzuki
“母親的態度是如此的重要。 老師與母親應該以愛教導並應該總是試著讓學習有趣。母親不應該責罵。當我們希望孩子學習某事物,我們必須營造願意的心態-- ㄧ個歡樂的環境。” -鈴木鎮ㄧ
“The mother’s attitude is so important. Teachers and mothers should teach with love and should always try to make learning fun. Mother should not scold their children. When we wish children to learn something, we must first create a willing attitude -- a happy environment.” -Dr. Suzuki
“Practice makes perfect .”
“積累在孩子的心裡的虧欠感促使他練習。” -鈴木鎮ㄧ
“Accumulate a debt in the child’s heart which urges him to practice.” -Dr. Suzuki